NCAA attempts to justify unfair treatments.

Jessica Rosales
3 min readApr 12, 2021

I am sure that you are all aware of the issues that came to surface when the NCAA hosted their basketball tournament this year. Initially this issues began when the women realized their gym/workout area compared to the men was not the same. But as more was posted on social media there was realization that the men were getting better treatment than the women. Oh, the power of social media!

In this tweet Molly Hensley-Clancy shows the women’s team area that has two set of dumbbells and yoga mats while the men’s teams area got what seems to be a mini gym. There were many statements regarding space and time but I do not believe that was a valid statement.

Sedona Prince shared a TikTok video showing the gyms. The amount of support that came back was not what she was expecting from exposing the NCAA.

Even after the NCAA tournament issue was brought to light many others weighed in their opinion. As mentioned in the article, and of course it being very accurate this issue sparked outrage because what little did get shared on social media was probably not even all of it. Just like the March Madness area there are many other organizations that do not provide nearly the amount of support that they feel men do.

In addition to the workout area there were additional remarks made on the swag bags and the food.

The context provided is to show you that this issue went trending, and started a new conversation for people. There was much support even from athletes like Stephen Curry who retweeted the tweet that got this going. The power of social medias is interesting. These athletes, just like everyone else, share on social medias what their day to day is like. So for them snapping photos or expressing how they feel during this experience is somewhat normal! So when the women started to see the difference from the royalties the men were getting it did not sit well.

But this is not a new issue. Gender, equality of men and women, or even sports itself. Naturally we compare, men compare to other men, women compare to other women and organizations compare to other organizations. But to this particular issue it is an ongoing fight these women feel they are fighting. And everywhere you go to read you are going to get different opinions and “factual statements”. That is media today, that is news today!

